Do you know those days where it feels like the whole world is against you? Like every single mistake you make is somehow 10 times worse than it actually is and everyone is judging you for it? Well, imagine that horrible day lasting for about 26 years! Despite public perception shifting somewhat in her favor over the years, Monica Lewinsky is STILL regularly catching flack for a mistake she made when she was 22. When you've been mocked by every single late night host in the circuit, and even received an unflattering namecheck in a Beyoncé song, you'd likely not feel quite up to dating either.
So, does Lewinsky wish things were different? "Absolutely," she told People in 2015. "But given all things not changing, I absolutely have had demonstrations where surviving what I have, has resonated for someone else". Although she confessed to The New York Times that she once desired a "husband and kids", she seems to have found happiness and fulfillment in activism and public speaking, successfully inspiring others who have also dealt with shame.
And, perhaps more impressively, she even clapped back at Beyoncé for referencing her in the above mentioned "Partition", pointing out in her Vanity Fair piece that "If we're verbing, I think you meant 'Bill Clinton'd all on my gown,' not 'Monica Lewinsky'd'." Hey, it's never too late to set the record straight.